What’s the Latest on the Psychoactive Substances Bill?
What is the latest on the Psychoactive Substances Bill? This plan of the UK government to impose the latest ban would be putting the young people into bad light, making them appear like criminals, said the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs.
Based on a letter to Theresa May, Home Secretary, the drugs body warned that the new bill, when turned into a law, might also discriminate the minority ethnic groups.
While it supports this bill, which has positive aspects to it, like preventing delays found in the current system, it also recognizes some flaws associated with the Psychoactive Substances Bill.
One flaw the ACMD finds is that the new law would be prosecuting the person found to be importing or supplying even if one has bought a small amount of the legal high for a friend who has bought a substance as a group, termed by ACMD as social supply.
Not only that the new bill would be prosecuting and labeling young people as criminals, it would also be blocking any attempts for scientific research on legal highs and psychoactive substances.
Another problem is that the closure of legitimate head shops would boost the trade of illegal networks, especially those selling smoking equipment and legal high products.
Additionally, the group revealed that the bill as it was presented might not be able to achieve its main goals but might produce unwanted consequences.
So, where are all these taking us? It boils down to one thing. The bill might need some more time to see and determine all its potential harmful consequences that lawmakers have to realize before turning it into law for implementation across the UK.