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Product Reviews

Product Reviews

Author: Trazor

  • Review Add on: 9 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

lasts longer compared to other products.

Author: Ronda

  • Review Add on: 9 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

I had bought it just because of its name, for fun. But hey it was worth it.

Author: Benji

  • Review Add on: 9 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

Its natural aroma really makes me feel relaxed no matter how tired I am.

Author: Dwyth

  • Review Add on: 9 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

This is not mind blowing. It is mind BLASTING.

Author: Kittyp0p

  • Review Add on: 9 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

Go very very easy on this it's very much stronger than top weed, less is more people :)

Author: Johnny G

  • Review Add on: 9 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

now this one had a real green herb base and was very fresh, nice mood was easy to get going with this one, very strong aroma, a big 10 also on my 1-10 scale, very very good, get this one!

Author: Johnny G

  • Review Add on: 9 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

The Armageddon was a real top shelf blend,great bang that keeps on giving, I would give this fresh earthy blend a big 10 on my 1-10 scale, also the bag was fat and that was nice, would def. buy again.

Author: Trent

  • Review Add on: 9 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

Yeah, this is really some strong stuff. You can’t get over with it until few hours. So try it carefully!

Author: Jim

  • Review Add on: 9 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

5g packet for £15.00 and that is Keep Calm herbal incense! I’ll never miss such chance.

Author: Jack

  • Review Add on: 9 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

I tried this stuff and at first I was hesitant. I thought no way can this be as good as it looks, but it was. I LOVE it! I order right from this site and it comes to my house fast. Thanks guys.

PS thanks review guy too!

Showing 1111 to 1120 of 1240 (124 Pages)