string(2) "en" array(9) { [1]=> string(2) "en" [2]=> string(2) "fr" [5]=> string(2) "it" [3]=> string(2) "pl" [10]=> string(2) "de" [4]=> string(2) "es" [7]=> string(2) "ro" [11]=> string(2) "da" [8]=> string(2) "hu" }
Product Reviews

Product Reviews

Author: ~~PsychedelicWarrior~~

.. wide awake ..

  • Review Add on: 1 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

Kleiner Erfahrungsbericht um die Kaufentscheidung zu erleichtern :)


- 19:00h Einnahme von 25mg nasal, brennt etwas mehr als Pepp aber nicht lange, erste Wirkung sofort da, volle Wirkung nach 15min.

- 19:30h 50mg & 22:00h 25mg nachgelegt

- 5:00h ca. 6mg Diazepam, hat nicht wirklich was gebracht, aber etwa 2h unruhig geschlafen.

- 10:00h 30mg und wieder hell wach, etwas kälteempfindlicher.

Bin mir sicher, daß man mit 200mg/ Tag mehrere Tage wach bleiben kann. Mehr als 3 würde ich nicht empfehlen.

Wirkung: Meine Freundin meinte wie bei Pepp aber vieelll potenter. Grob paßt das, mittelstarkes Dopaminhigh in der Brust.
Ich würde sagen wirklich sehr potent, aber eher wie Modafinil. Man ist sehr angeknippst wach, aber das in meiner Dosierung trotzdem sehr subtil, nicht so kratzig, zermürbend wie bei Amphe. Man sieht normal aus, auch die Pupillen. Sehr alltagstauglich ... trotzdem nicht übertreiben ;))

Author: Arek Tomasiak -


  • Review Add on: 1 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

I just get my free sample and Im very happy I will order more stuff next week :)


Author: Juan jose


  • Review Add on: 1 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

El polvo es blanco? Hay polvos que te pongan como la anfetamina (speed)si es asi ruego el nombre del producto para comprarlo


Author: MARK -

  • Review Add on: 1 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

Very strong! Be careful with AK-47! I love it.


Author: Marion Bertin -


  • Review Add on: 1 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

Super encens !!
Bon goût et effet très cool


Author: engel


  • Review Add on: 1 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

sehr gutes produkt gefählt mir sehr gut

Author: Sébastien Madej -

Super Quick Service -)

  • Review Add on: 1 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

AMAZING ! I received a sample very quickly and I am surprised by the good quality of the product. I come to you quickly to order ;-)




Author: Oliver Lorenz


  • Review Add on: 2 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

10/10 fuck me i love that shit ???? best product i have ever tried . It’s original like coke cant believe it. Try it, enjoy it, love it. I appreciate that powder ! Ordered directly 10 pacs after i tried once ???? i‘m waiting for the 09.01.2023 until you start to deliver the product again …i really need to take a long bath ???? regards


Author: Dennis K. -

Received it as Sample

  • Review Add on: 2 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

After having requested a sample a few months ago which was sadly ignored by Express Highs... I recently requested a sample again. This time, Express sent it out to me finaly.

First of all the sample came to me VERY fast! It took Express less then 2 days to send out my sample, and another 2 until I then finaly had it! Very fast indeed, excellent service. It was sent to me via UPS Express. Rating the sample:

Good! The aroma of the incense was very strong and satisfying! However sadly, it did not last very long which is why I had to make this 4 out of 5 for the incense itself. 5/5 for the excellent service and speed by Express Highs. Thanks to Express for showing itself to be a genuine vendor in these trying times, placed an order of course which I will gladly rate as well.


Author: Sabrina Lakinger -

  • Review Add on: 2 Year's ago
  • Average Rating:

Fettes Zeug!Wie früher echt gut!Gering dosiert angenehm High, in höherer Dosis sogar ziemlich trippig.Zurzeit habt ihr echt den heißen Scheiß am Start!Die anderen bekommen es nicht mehr hin.5 STERNE

Showing 71 to 80 of 1240 (124 Pages)