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Acheter White Tiger Light Herbal Incense 3g France
  • White Tiger Light Herbal Incense 3g - Encens d herbes

White Tiger Light Herbal Incense 3g

Are you searching for legal highs to add to your collection? If you’re an avid herbal incense fan, you have probably heard about this explosive, new product, which comes in a grey and cool packaging with a white tiger in the center.

People burn incense in their burner because such products possess body and mind calming and relaxing properties that can help relieve anxiety and worries.

This product is available in 3g variety and is a light blend of herbal incense intended for and would be most suitable for beginners, or someone who is looking for incense that is not as potent as the others you can find in our store.

With it, you can turn a bad mood into a good and party vibe. The White Tiger potpourri also has a natural aroma that will fill the air with positive and happy scent. This herbal incense burns clean and clear. It infuses the air with nice aroma from the herbs added to it.

Some benefits include relaxation, mind-calming, positive energy and relieved anxiety and stress. It is for people that want to relax at home or in their room after a tiring workday. It will get you ready for the next day and face it with a fresh perspective.

The White Tiger herbal incense is one of the latest offerings at Express Highs, your top supplier of the finest herbal incense blends on the market. We’re proud to offer you the pure incense that has no extenders or harmful materials. You might want to stock on this product before it’s out of supply.

We offer this incense at a competitive price that you might not be able to find in other stores. When you buy from us, you can also be certain of fast and discreet shipping. However, take note that we’re not shipping this product in territories where it is not allowed.


Add the White Tiger to cart today!

Les détails d'expédition
Restrictions d'expédition Disponible pour les pays de l'UE

Avis sur White Tiger Light Herbal Incense 3g

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White Tiger Light Herbal Incense 3g

  • Fabricant : Incense
  • Modèle : whitetiger3g
  • Only Ships to: European Union
  • Disponibilité : En Stock
  • £16,50

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