string(2) "hu" array(9) { [1]=> string(2) "en" [2]=> string(2) "fr" [5]=> string(2) "it" [3]=> string(2) "pl" [10]=> string(2) "de" [4]=> string(2) "es" [7]=> string(2) "ro" [11]=> string(2) "da" [8]=> string(2) "hu" }
Megvesz Bliss Ultra 1g Magyarország - Express Highs

Bliss Ultra 1g

Átmenetileg elfogyott. Alternatív termékért tekintse meg Research Chemicals Shopunkat.

Bliss Ultra 1g is what you need for its rejuvenating body effects. Bathers add and use it in their bath to receive more soothing effects that they might not get from using any other product. Choose Bliss Ultra from ExpressHighs to ensure you’re buying the real deal on legal highs like bath salts, herbal incense, party pills and liquid incense.

This product is ultra-concentrated. Only a small amount of it will go a long, long way. It is one of the reasons that Bliss Ultra is one of the fastest selling legal highs in our store. Choosing it, you might be able to save more money because you don’t need much of it to serve its purpose.

Why Express Highs? We’re one of the world’s leading Legal highs suppliers trusted by thousands of consumers globally. Our team only sources our products from the real manufacturers to ensure quality and purity. Choosing us can ensure you’re getting the most out herbal highs.

Take note though that you should keep any remaining contents in the original packaging to keep its freshness. It’s advised you keep it in a dry and cool place as well. Too much humidity and high temperatures might deform and dissolve this product.

Also, you should not let its sitting around anywhere especially if you have pets or childrenwho might accidentally swallow it. As you may already know, children tend to play, swallow or lick anything that they can get their handson.

For their safety, keepthe Bliss Ultra in a high cabinet that they cannot reach and access.

Legality: This product islegal across countries because it doesn’t contain harmful andbanned substances. It does not also contain any synthetic ingredientsthat can harm health.

But still Express Highsrecommend checking your country laws and custom laws before buyingBliss Ultra. We shall not be held liable for any trouble you mighthave with the laws for violating them. Be guided accordingly.

Bliss Ultra and otherbath saltsat Express Highs are quality-tested before being put up for sale inour store. They’re pure and without any fillers, GMO’s andextenders. Each package is shipped in a discreet packaging anddelivered to your doorsteps fast.

If you don’t receiveyour order within four working days, email us with the details ofyour order. You can also track your order’s status on the memberportal.

Buy legal highstoday!

Szállítási adatok
Szállítási korlátozások Világszerte (kivéve az USA-t és az Egyesült Királyságot)

Vélemények kb Bliss Ultra 1g

Összes vélemény (4)
Kattintson ide, ha véleményt szeretne írni erről a termékről.

Bliss Ultra 1g

  • Gyártó: Bath Salt
  • Cikkszám: blissultra1g
  • Only Ships to: Worldwide (Excluding USA and UK)
  • Készletinfó: Out Of Stock
  • £28,00

  • 2 vagy több £27,50
  • 3 vagy több £27,00
  • 5 vagy több £25,50

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