string(2) "hu" array(9) { [1]=> string(2) "en" [2]=> string(2) "fr" [5]=> string(2) "it" [3]=> string(2) "pl" [10]=> string(2) "de" [4]=> string(2) "es" [7]=> string(2) "ro" [11]=> string(2) "da" [8]=> string(2) "hu" }
Megvesz Mind Bliss Magyarország - Express Highs

Mind Bliss

Temporary shortage, will be back soon!

Feeling down or frustrated? Your mind and body already got the code to make you happy – they just need a little extra support to get all the excitement and euphoria flowing. That’s exactly where Mind Bliss comes into the picture!

Mind Bliss is a stimulating blend of euphoria-inducing ingredients that pack intense happiness no matter your mood. It will send you off on a trip to the fun parts of your brain, on the same ticket as Mellow Madness– except this trip lasts a bit longer and you get to experience more fluid visuals. Within twenty minutes, your mood will lift and you’ll experience a pleasant swell of chatty, positive energy that will get you up on your feet.
Perfect for impromptu rave parties, enhancing fun activities, de-stressing, or whenever you feel like turning a bad day/night into an amazing one. The trance lasts for around 5-6 hours and then there’s the afterglow; so you’re in for some real fun!
Jam-packed with a powerful combination of ingredients
Made without fillers
Fresh, high quality, and potent

Szállítási adatok
Szállítási korlátozások Világszerte (kivéve az USA-t és az Egyesült Királyságot)

Vélemények kb Mind Bliss

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Mind Bliss

  • Gyártó: Party Pill
  • Cikkszám: mindbliss
  • Only Ships to: Worldwide (Excluding USA and UK)
  • Készletinfó: Out Of Stock
  • £22,00

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