string(2) "it" array(9) { [1]=> string(2) "en" [2]=> string(2) "fr" [5]=> string(2) "it" [3]=> string(2) "pl" [10]=> string(2) "de" [4]=> string(2) "es" [7]=> string(2) "ro" [11]=> string(2) "da" [8]=> string(2) "hu" }
Recensioni dei prodotti

Recensioni dei prodotti

Autore: Ken Bennet

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 9 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

There are very few herbal incense with minty flavor that I liked. El Lobo is amazing!

Autore: Marqus

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 9 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

That’s hell of a price. Do you provide any discount on bulk orders or so?

Autore: Dex

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 9 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

I don't know if it made me humble as they say, but I enjoyed it, that's for sure.

Autore: Nicholai

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 9 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

Dead Man Walking will have you feeling alive !!!

Autore: James

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 9 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

Thing is good as heaven.I’m thinking to keep a stock of it,as they are giving a discount on bulk orders.

Autore: Nicholas

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 9 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

This is the best i have tried so far and would highly recommend.

Autore: johnny

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 9 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

Very good price for such product

Autore: Jack

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 9 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

All I want to say is, keep calm and be high :)

Autore: Matt

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 9 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

It is very quick and strong. Aroma was very nice and can make you feel high after one or two hits. I tried it alone and enjoyed it very much.

Autore: Oliver

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 9 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

All Scooby Snax product are good as hell. I’ve purchased its 10g package for me and my friends. And we are very happy with its quality. Recom’d it to everyone.

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