string(2) "it" array(9) { [1]=> string(2) "en" [2]=> string(2) "fr" [5]=> string(2) "it" [3]=> string(2) "pl" [10]=> string(2) "de" [4]=> string(2) "es" [7]=> string(2) "ro" [11]=> string(2) "da" [8]=> string(2) "hu" }
Recensioni dei prodotti - Express Highs

Recensioni dei prodotti

Autore: graham Black -

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 4 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

Put 0.05 in my bath. Very nice, use with care. After my bath I was in a good mood wide awake and ready to go, go go. Glad I did not put too much in, not needed as concentrated.

Autore: Gulfraz

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 4 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

Very strong stuff indeed!

Autore: graham -

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 4 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

i am not used to incense but like stronger scents. The last one I used was about 5 years ago. Scents then seemed much stronger?
So I tried Exodus and Plutonium which I felt were both about the same strength both a decent buy but plutonium better bang for ya buck.

Autore: Josh jeffrey -

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 4 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

Not one complaint from me. Thanks


Autore: K. Westlake

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 4 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

I was looking for some Druid's Fantasy but were out of stock. They contain Morning Glory seeds (LSA). Thank heavens I found these! These contain Hawaiian Baby Rose extract. It contains ergometrine, lysergol & LSA. 4 pills per pack.
I got 2 packs and some 5X Salvia. Had some smoke handy.

6 pm the 1st pack went down, together with some Ginger extract (for nausea), followed by a glass of juice and a large yoghurt. Smoked a weed/salvia bong, and relaxed. I came out of that before I felt the Trip-E. It's a creeper but soon hits full wack!
Significant pleasant dizziness, with an LSD like feel but with lots more visuals, and I was in the dark listening to my Goa Trance classics.
After 1 hour I took the other 4 and before I knew it I was in Bliss & trippin' balls! Image shifting, lots of trails & closed eye visuals. Very happy experience, best done with as little light as possible ????
Sleep took over around 5 am. No ill effects.

Autore: Jen

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 4 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

Very nice. Strong but not overpowering. I've chosen this product twice now. It's definitely one I shall keep coming back to. Really helps with my energy. Sleep is not going to happen however that adds to the experience l very nice product!!

Autore: Jennifer -

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 4 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

Not the strongest but nice and mellow. Close to the real thing but wears off quick . Doesn't smell to strong. Definitely a social smoke.perfect for sunny days and a few beers.

Autore: James Morgan

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 5 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

It certainly does the job not too strong like the blends

Autore: Cloudy

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 5 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

Put enough in an it will put you on the floor. Experience is required for this, it takes you to an alien planet leaving you wondering what happened Haha good stuff strong stuff

Autore: Jennifer -

  • Recensione Aggiunta il: 5 Anno'i fa
  • Valutazione Media:

This was the first herbal smoke I tried. I loved it!! Very deep. Better than other's I tried after. This is my favourite so far.

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