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Kup Amnesia Haze Jelly Hash CBD Polska - Express Highs

Amnesia Haze Jelly Hash CBD

If you’re interested in using CBD for benefits including on mood boost without the psychoactive effects, choose natural extracts from an industrial hemp plant. While there are many of these products around, one of the fastest-selling CBD products for its purity and potency is the Amnesia Haze Jelly Hash CBD.

Amnesia Haze Jelly Hash CBD Information

This product contains high CBD content, which can help in uplifting one’s mood and promoting one’s creative side. It is a dark and creamy hash that is made of non-GMO and organic compounds.

It does not have any pesticides. This product also has a delicious flavor. You can also be certain that it won’t turn into dust versus other hashes on the market now.

This product is legal in many countries, including in the UK, for its low THC content of <0.2%, which is allowed by the law.

Amnesia Haze Jelly Hash CBD is made using a standardized process to ensure it maintains the highest level of its active ingredient CBD. This product came from hemp plants, as certified by the European Union. The extract is added with the terpene from Amnesia Haze strain.

This CBD is derived from 100% cannabis sativa extract.

Also in our store: Caution Diablo Herbal Incense 4g

The Amnesia Haze Jelly Hash CBD has undergone a strict quality control process to guarantee it comes out with the highest quality. CBD Jelly (22%) offers an intense calm. This product, according to many consumers, has that sticky feel brought about by the black hash.

This product is a favorite among people that want to enjoy its earthy and citric taste. If looking for the pleasurable effects of CBD, people vape the product that is one of the most famous products in many Amsterdam coffee shops.

The Amnesia Haze Jelly Hash CBD is a sure stress buster! For those looking to unwind after a hard day’s work, use the CBD product to feel relieved from stress and tiredness.

For the best results, store the product in a cool and dry place and away from direct sunlight. It is not for pregnant or lactating mothers or people with a medical condition. Consult your doctor about it. Finally, keep it out of children and pet’s reach for their safety.

Also in our store: Boom Herbal Incense 3g

Are you ready for the Amnesia Haze Jelly Hash CBD? Buy only from Express Highs – your reliable and trusted seller of quality legal highs.

DO NOT MISUSE THE PRODUCT. We shall not be held liable for negative consequences arising from its misuse.


Szczegóły dostawy
Ograniczenia wysyłki Dostępne dla krajów UE

Recenzje o Amnesia Haze Jelly Hash CBD

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Amnesia Haze Jelly Hash CBD

  • Producent: CBD
  • Kod produktu: amnesiahazecbd
  • Only Ships to: European Union
  • Dostępność: W magazynie
  • £15,40

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