Kratom Sample Pack (200g)
Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) which is a native of Southeast Asia is a very effective medicinal plant ..
Maeng Da 50g
Maeng da kratom has been used for centuries now to treat medical conditions that affects your mood, ..
Malay 50g
Kratom are o gamă largă de utilizări, fie că este vorba pentru proprietățile medicinale sau doar pen..
Sumatra 50g
Kratom is more than a native tree to South Asia nations. Classified in the same family as a coffee t..
Thai Premium 50g
These leaves have already been blended into powder for your convenience.If you are venturing out to ..

Kratom is nothing but a herb. It is not a chemical that is made in the lab but the herb is known to provide relief from chronic pain, anxiety and even depression. It may also help fight addiction to different kinds of Opioid medications. However, America's DEA or the Drug Enforcement Administration had tried to make it a Schedule 1 drug with the likes of marijuana, LSD and heroin but later withdrew the intention. It has however, requested for a scientific and medical evaluation of the much disputed Kratom from the FDA scheduling recommendation for scheduling of kratom.
While the administration was of the opinion that Kratom had a potential for abuse and also supposedly has no proven medical application. However, advocates of kratom vehemently dispute this. In order to understand what exactly is Kratom, we need to have a good idea of its origins.
In the Southeast Asia, Kratom is actually a tropical tree. The leaves of this Kratom tree have been successfully used not just in the modern times but for hundreds of years as an effective pain reliever. Although it can simply be consumed as raw leaves, it has been widely used in the form of crushed and brewed tea and often converted into tablets, syrups and capsules.
There are several strains of Kratom such as the Bali Kratom which is shipped internationally from the ports of Bali, Thai Kratom which is cheaper and is a little more energizing instead of relaxing, Malay Kratom which is known to help release tension without causing fatigue or drowsiness and is also known to increase focus and Indonesian or Indo Kratom which is more relaxing and is available in different grades including suoer Indo, premium Indo, ultra enhanced Indo Kratom etc. Other Kratom strains include Maeng Da, which is one of the most popular and also one of the strongest strains available, the Vietnam Kratom which is a relatively newer strain and the Riau Kratom which has a sweeter taste than others and is also called Sumatra kratom.